How to celebrate World Vegetarian Day

October 1st marks World Vegetarian Day. Try it for a day with our round-up of favourite meat-free feasts from around the world, which you can rustle up at home

3 mins

World Vegetarian Day1. Best breakfasts from Marrakech

Forget the greasy spoons or soggy corn flakes. Start your day with an exotic yet fresh and tasty meal from Morocco's most enticing city. From a tropical take on the standard pancake (no Maple syrup required) to a new way of a cooked breakfast with eggs, author Andy Harris shares his favourite ways to start the day like a Marrakech local.

How to breakfast in Marrakech

World Vegetarian Day2. Take on a Chilean feast for lunch

Quick, simple and easy to cook, these five recipes will give you a tasty glimpse at Chilean cuisine. From a meat-free take on the Latin American classic empanadas to a warm and hearty Chilean bean stew, these will keep you going throughout the day.

Chilean feasts for vegetarians

World Vegetarian Day 3. Dine like the Chinese at dinner 

China can be a tough place to visit as a vegetarian. Travellers can think they're chowing down on vegetable broth, only to find it's made with chicken or fish stock. Rustle up an oriental feast at home first, so you know what to look out for on the road, says guest poster Jane Hughes.

5 vegetarian Chinese recipes

World Vegetarian Day4. Finish off the day with desert

It's not hard to uncover vegetarian-friendly deserts from around the world. Here are two of the most tempting: 

3 deliciously divine deserts from Venice

How to make your own Cambodian deserts

World Vegetarian Day6. A little something extra...

What better way to toast to your day eating as a vegetarian than with a cheeky sangria or two? Guest food blogger Sara Hartman shares her favourite sangria recipes and reveals how to make your fruity concoction taste more Thai, Indian or Peruvian...

5 ways with sangria

Ever travelled as a vegetarian?

From Sri Lanka to Lebanon, Wanderlust editor-in-chief Lyn Hughes highlights her favourite places to travel as a vegetarian. From curries in India to carbs in Italy, do you agree with her top six choices?

Top 6 places to travel as a vegetarian

Ever travelled as a vegan?

Guest blogger Rosie Driffill has struggled to explore off-the-beaten-track as a vegan. Here she explains which European cities she found trickiest to track-down animal-product-free food. 

7 tricky European cities for vegan travellers

Rustle up your own recipes

Wanderlust has five copies of Jane Hughes' The Adventurous Vegetarian: Around the World in 30 meals to give-away. Enter now for your chance to win.

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