The world's most bizarre tents

Easter heralds the start of the camping season. But would you be caught dead in any of these tents?

6 mins

1. Camper Kart

Ideal for the urban camper with a few errands to run, the Camper Kart is a pop-up camper attached to a shopping trolley. Its creator, Kevin Cyr claims that it also explores aspects of 'housing, mobility, and autonomy'.

Granted, in trolley mode, the Camper Kart offers a convenient and easy way to ferry around your baggage. But inherent design quirks mean you won't get far beyond you local Tesco.

Just make sure you avoid the ones with the wonky wheels.

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Zebco 220

2. Zebco Umbrella and Shelter

Part umbrella, part tent, the Zebco 220 is basically an umbrella with a mullet.

Business at the front. Party at the back. And of no discernible use to anyone.

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Tree tent

3. Treetent

At $50,000, the 13-foot tall, Dutch-designed Treetent is arguably the most expensive and useless camping device ever created.

Don't get us wrong, the tent is certainly luxurious. It boasts hardwood floors and a 'groovy' deluxe round mattress.

But the designers failed to address a couple of fundamental issues. How do you get up to it? And how do you get down?

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VW Campervan tent

4. VW Campervan Tent

An original split screen VW Camper van out of your reach? Perhaps you should consider the next best thing – a 1:1 scale VW Campervan tent. At £269.99 plus postage, it's a tiny fraction of the cost of the real thing.

The tent comes in a choice of three colours – blue, red and green – and can be pitched in places the original camper van couldn't reach. Tall enough to stand up in, with two separate compartments to shield the kids from any 'free loving' that may develop.

Best of all, it's fully licensed, so you won't be interrupted by pesky trade mark lawyers while your listening to your scratchy copy of the soundtrack from Hair.

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5. George Foreman iGrill

OK, the George Foreman iGrill isn't technically a tent. But after pitching any of the above 'curiosities' you're going to need to treat yourself to a hearty meal.

The iGrill is smaller than most in the George Foreman range. But after you enter the type of food you're cooking, its weight and the desired degree of done-ness, the iGrill does the rest, gently emitting a throbbing glow that pulses faster as your meal cooks.

There is one problem. You'll need a free USB port for your iGrill to work.

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Weird WorldDescribed as 'your passport to a world of weirdness' our book, Weird World, is a compendium of off-the-wall images, quirky stories and the downright strange from every corner of the planet.

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