9 funny Indian road signs

Indian roads are some of the most dangerous in the world. Maybe it's because drivers are laughing at the signs...

7 mins

With Indians celebrating Republic Day this weekend, India's manic roads are going to be crazier than ever. We'd like to take a moment to wish our Indian readers all the best – and urge them to pay attention to the wonderfully idiosyncratic traffic signs lining their roads.

Make love not war

1. Make love not war but nothing while driving

Except, maybe, a complete stop at the next stop sign.

Safe tea

2. Safety on road is "Safe Tea" at home

And vice versa.

Blood pools

3. Follow traffic rules & avoid blood pools

Diversions clearly marked.

Mind your brakes

4. Mind your brakes or break your mind

Or simply read this sign.

Be soft on my curves

5. Be soft on my curves

Indian roads prefer considerate drivers.


6. Darling I want you but not so fast

This road likes to play hard to get.

Do not be rash

7. Do not be rash and end in crash

Or you'll be dead in a flash.

If you sleep

8. If you sleep your family will weep

Why should you get to lie-in?

Witchcraft Watch Craft

9. Not witchcraft but watch craft that saves

Ain't that the truth!

Be Mr Late

10. Be Mr Late better than late Mr

Or Mrs Late.

Divorce speed

11. If married divorce speed

Bigamy is frowned upon in some parts of India.

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