9 bizarre inflight travel gadgets to avoid this Christmas

From flatulence absorbing pillows to luggage you can ride, here's a selection of gadgets your favourite traveller doesn't want to find under the Christmas tree

4 mins

1. Skyrest travel pillow

Skyrest travel pillows inflate easily, turning your tray table or lap into a comfortable place to rest your head.

Sure, you'll look like a freak. But if you wrap your arms around the pillow and rest your head in a forward position, its manufacturers claim you'll enjoy the 'ultimate in on-board comfort.'

Until the guy in front reclines his seat, anyway.


2. GasbGon flatulence absorbing pillow

With research revealing that the amount of intestinal gas produced by the average human triples at 25,000 feet, it is surprising that there haven't been calls to make on-board GasBGon travel pillows mandatory.

Using cutting-edge carbon filter technology the GasBGon muffles the sound and the smell of inflight flatulence, absorbing more than 90% of the odour emitted for most end users.

Thanks to GasBGon, you'll clear the air, not the plane.

Slumber Mitt

3. Slumber mitt

You could be forgiven for thinking that the Slumber Mitt is just a lump of foam covered in fabric, hanging clumsily off the end of your arm. Not so, says its inventors. It's travel comfort in the palm of your hand.

Just remember to take it off before scratching that itch on your nose or handing over your passport to the guy in immigration.

Tugo Luggage Cup Holder

4. Tugo luggage drink holder

Looking for somewhere to stow your latte while you fumble for your ticket and your passport? The Tugo is a pliable moulded drink holder that nestles a drink in-between the telescoping handles of an upright suitcase, swinging to match the angle of your bag as you use it.

Just remember to remove your coffee before stowing it in the overhead locker.

5. Ultra mini on-board air supply

Let's face it. Aeroplanes are basically tubes full of tainted air. This wearable air purifier will kill bacteria and viruses, reduces pollutants and dust and disperses the overpowering smell of Lynx from the chav sitting next to you, as well as the horrid stench coming from the galley as the inflight meals are prepared.

Use in conjunction with the GasBGon for a truly fragrant in-flight experience.

Knee Defenders

6. Knee Defenders

“If airlines will not protect people from being battered, crunched, and immobilized – very real problems according to healthcare professionals, medical studies, government agencies, and even some airlines – then people need options to protect themselves.”

So says Gadget Duck, inventors of the patent-pending, duly trademarked Knee Defenders.

Basically a pair of chocks you stick either side of your fold down table to thwart the thoughtless recliner ending up in your lap. The thinking is that after a few attempts at reclining the person in front will give up, accepting, once again, that they've been stuck with a broken seat.

Plane Sheets

7. Plane Sheets personalised airline seat covers

Are the interiors of today's airliners just not doing it for you? Maybe the lurid yellow of Ryanair is ruining your inflight aura. Perhaps you should bring along your own personalised airline seat cover.

Available in Cattle Class and Pointy End sizes, as well as a range of designer patterns, Plane Sheets offers today's travellers an innovative and practical way to personalise their travel space while keeping germs, crumbs and spills from previous passengers at bay.

But seriously, with so many flights already delayed by people trying to cram their over-sized hand luggage into crowded overhead lockers, do we need fashion-conscious germophobes trying to get their plane-sheet looking 'just-so'?

Seat Tidy

8. Deluxe seat back organiser

What better way to keep all your new inflight travel gadgets in their place than with a deluxe seat back organiser?

The fact that it comes with not one, but two pen loops, tells you the kind of traveller that the product is aimed at. Sure, it's got a pocket that would be perfect for your book of Suduko puzzles. But do you really want to be known as that kind of traveller?

Scooter luggage

9. Micro Samsonite luggage travel scooter

Described as the ultimate ride-on luggage, the Micro Samsonite luggage travel scooter is a specially designed scooter-luggage case with a built-in Micro scooter. When you are done scooting, the scooter folds up, turning it into conventional wheeled luggage. When folded, it fits in standard size overhead bins.

Its creators say they designed the Micro Samsonite luggage travel scooter to help high flyers move quickly and effortlessly through airports. Until they get embarrassed from everyone pointing at them or laughing. Or the airport health and safety officer tells them to put on a helmet and knee pads.

Or you could get them something they really want ...

From smart phone projectors and currency cards that are accepted around the world, to a subscription to the world's best travel magazine, here's a list of stocking fillers that the traveller in your life will be delighted to find under the tree this Christmas.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

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