7 strange statues from around the world

Shocking, thought-provoking and down right weird street art from around the world

5 mins

Desert Hand

1. Hand of the Desert, Atacama, Chile

Sadly not pointing the way to the nearest petrol station.

Kissing Arch

2. Lover's Arch, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Erected to revive romance in the city. Between skinny acrobats, seemingly.


3. Paparazzi Statue, Bratislava, Slovakia

Possibly one of those standing-still-people working for the government.

Giant Purse

4. Giant purse, Melbourne, Australia

Don't get excited. The pigeons have already cleaned it out.

Croc eating capitalist

5. Crocodile eating capitalist, Brooklyn, USA

If only life imitated art.

Tripping policeman

6. Policeman being tripped, Brussels, Belgium

Again, if only life imitated art.

Upside down statue

7. Upside down statue, Melbourne, Australia

Well, it is Down Under.

Have you got a photo of a crazy statue you have come across in your travels? Why not post it over at our Photography section? The best will be selected and featured in a future blog. Upload your photos here.

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