6 places to eat (and date) in the dark

With news this week that restauranteurs are tired of patrons taking photos of their food, here are six restaurants where you can't even see what's on your plate, let alone take a photo of it

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1. Nocti Vagus, Berlin, Germany

Claiming to be Berlin's first and finest 'dark' restaurant, Nocti Vagus promises an experience that will appeal to all senses.

The waiters are blind. But according to the website they are “very kind and you can trust them.” Which is fortunate, because meals are often accompanied by cultural programmes, including murder mysteries.

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2. Dark Restaurant, Poznań, Poland

The Dark restaurant chooses to employ sighted waiters, but kits them out instead with night-vision goggles. Looking like a cross between a cyborg and a navy seal team, they'll lead you to your table, ask you what meals you do not like or do not want to have (presumably so they can make sure you get it) and tell you what to do to go the restroom.

Their motto? Special experience bizarre food menu for you! Without telling you what the bizarre food is. Mind games!

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3. Blind Art Restaurant, Seoul, South Korea

Located in a basement, near Konkuk University, Blind Art restaurant changes the menu – and the themed audio narrative – every week.

A themed audio narrative plays in the background, urging diners to imagine, for example, that they are in a submarine, or a time machine, or outer space.

At the end of the meal, love letters, apologies and confessions are publicly read out in the dark. Best hope your partner is there with their lover too.

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4. Trojan Fairy, Beijing, China

Tucked away on the eighth floor of a building in Beijing's Xicheng District, Trojan Fairy greets diners with a bright, lurid painting of a Trojan horse, a giant squid and an exploding volcano in the foyer. After assaulting your senses with this tacky art,  the darkness is blessed belief.

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5. Senses, Hong Kong

It's not just food on the menu at Senses in Hong Kong. Take up the Dating in the Dark option and  there's romance on offer too.

Dating in the dark is exactly what it sounds like. “We take equal numbers of boys and girls and place them in our completely pitch dark dining room in tables of six or eight. You will not be able to see who you are talking to, and nobody will be able to see you. You don’t have to worry about how you look or what you are wearing, and its a great chance to show off your personality. You can relax and enjoy a delicious meal and at the same time meet people in a completely new way.”

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6. Blindekuh, Zurich, Switzerland

Blindekuh Zurich is the world's first restaurant in the dark, presenting a broad culinary and cultural spectrum in a world of darkness since 1999. In doing so, they give you a very special dining experience, while offering valuable work to blind and partially-sighted people.

Blindekuh also offers a stage for musical, theatrical, literary and comedy events. It's an unforgettable experience for listeners and artists alike. As long as the artists can find their way to the stage.

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