11 crazy souvenir hats from around the world

How many do you own? And have you got any pictures?

5 mins

They are the secret shame hidden at the back of every traveller's closet. The souvenir hat. Purchased on impulse. Worn a couple of times and then discarded.

They always seem a good idea at the time. Until a couple of pictures are taken and you realise that you can't really pull off the oversized sombrero look, with or without the comedy Mexican moustache.

Today, we pay tribute to the stalwarts of the souvenir hat scene, the backbone of tourist economies the world over. And we're asking you to rummage through your old travel photos, dig out any you have of yourself wearing a souvenir hat, and post them on the MyWanderlust photo gallery.

Go on. You know you want to.

Sombrero (Wiki Images)

1. The Sombrero

The daddy of all souvenir hats, the sombrero is the go-to head gear when you want to get a party started.

Fez (Wiki Images)

2. The Fez

The hat to show you don't take yourself too seriously. And to make sure no-one else will either.


Viking Helmet (Wiki Images)

3. The Viking helmet

Often worn on weekends where much drinking is done, the Viking helmet is an affectation created for the opera and worn exclusively by women. Just don't tell that to the best man who organised the stag weekend.


Chitrali (Visit Pakistan)

4. The Chitrali cap

Worn almost exclusively by bearded gap year travellers who have spent too long in the more 'intense' parts of Asia. And want you to know about it.

Beret (Wiki Images)

5. The French Beret

Often worn in the mistaken belief that it will make the wearer look sophisticated and stylish.

Che Beret (Wiki Images)

6. The Che Beret

Often worn in the mistaken belief that it will make the wearer look cool and rebellious.


Russian hats (Wiki Images)

7. Russian Military Hats

Nice and warm, but best not worn in countries bordering Russia at the moment.

Stetson (Wiki Images)

8. The Stetson

It's not just the size of your Stetson that counts. It's also how you wear it.

Peruvian Beanie (Wiki Images)

9. The Peruvian Beanie

Wearing one immediately knocks 20 points off your IQ. But at least your ears will be warm.

Peruvian Beanie (Wiki Images)

10. The Asian Conical Hat

Favoured by pasty tourists suffering under the harsh tropical sun in the hope that the wide brim will protect not just their head, but the rest of their body as well.

Crocodile Dundee hat (Wiki Images)

11. The Crocodile Dundee Akubra

Hey people wearing 1-10, that's not a hat. This is a hat.

Are there any souvenir hats we've forgotten? Tell us in the comments below. Or, better still, if you've got a photo of yourself wearing one, preferably in situ, post it on the MyWanderlust photo gallery.

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